Thursday 19 October 2017

Minor Project - Colour Swatch Test

I have been putting together different colour swatches that I feel will be useful when designing different parts of my animation. I have broken the colour swatches down into the categories in which I think they would work best.

Sky 1

Sky 2

Sky 3

Sky 4

Sky 5

Sky 6

Sky 7
Where the majority of the animation takes place in the imagination of the main character, I feel as if using a non realistic sky colour would be the most effective. I feel as if it will make it clear to the audience that we will be within the characters imagination. The swatches I feel would be the most effective would be either swatches 3 or 7. Another possibility that I would need to test would be the sky changing colour depending on the mood of the scene or the character. I feel as if transferring from one extreme of one swatch to another depending on the mood will help draw in the audience and allow them to feel the mood that is being portrayed.

Plants / Trees





For the plants and the trees I feel as if it is very important to have these as bright and vibrant colours. I feel as if using a green for standard shrubbery would be most effective as it will very apparent to what is it, rather then having it a blue or an orange. But for the flowers within the shrubbery and the tops of the trees I will use the bright and different colours to again create the world that is within the characters imagination.








For the Garabage-o-saur the majority of the time you will just get glimpses of him to build tension, being shadows or small pans from the camera. So for these parts I feel as if a darker green would be more effective to build a sense of fear towards the creature. When the main character feed the dinosaur and its no longer threatening he will come out from that shadows and I feel as if him being a lighter shade of green will help portray that the animal isn't as bad as once thought and is not the scary creature the main character thought it was. 

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